Selecting a Stand Location
A tree stand is usually placed 8 to 20 feet above the ground. Many considerations dictate stand location, including terrain, tree cover, background cover, and the game being hunted.
- Place a stand in an area where game sign indicates food, travel, water, or other places where animals appear to congregate.
- Consider multiple stand locations, taking into consideration elevation, topography, and prevailing winds.
- Position the stand to avoid sunlight that could highlight the profile of your body.
- Use a tree large enough to cover your body outline.
- Place a stand no higher than necessary.
- Select only trees that are straight. A trunk leaning toward you can “push” you out of a stand when you stand up.
- Never place a stand in a dead tree, in a tree with large overhanging dead limbs, or on or near utility poles.
- Place a stand to the side of a trail or travel route but within your effective shooting range.
- Locate the stand downwind from the animals’ expected route.
- Never place stands on fence lines or near another landowner’s property.
- Select more than one hunting spot to avoid over-hunting one location.