Legal Archery Equipment for Hunting Deer
The legal archery equipment for deer hunting is listed below.
Archery Equipment
- Longbows, recurve bows, and compound bows that shoot broadhead arrows that are at least 18 inches long are legal.
- There are no minimum draw weights for bows or minimum diameter for broadheads.
- Draw locks on compound bows are legal.
- The arrow must not contain poison or any stupefying chemical.
- The arrowhead tip must not have an explosive tip or pod.
- Crossbows designed to be fired with one hand or that are equipped with a pistol grip are not legal.
- Crossbows are not legal, except for:
- Physically handicapped hunters who have a special permit.
- If a physically handicapped hunter has a valid permit for a crossbow, the broadhead must have at least three blades.
- Residents 70 years of age and older who have an antlerless-only statewide crossbow deer license.