Bowhunting Locations

The area (unit) where you are allowed to bowhunt depends on the species being hunted and whether you are on private land or public land.
- You must have permission from the landowner or lessee to:
- Bowhunt on private lands during legal archery seasons or …
- Retrieve big game from private land.
- In the Black Hills Fire Protection District, you may not bowhunt on private land if:
- The land is posted or …
- The landowner or lessee has denied you entry.
- On Indian trust land:
- State licenses are valid on private, public, and deeded lands within the boundaries of an Indian reservation.
- You must contact the appropriate tribal office before hunting on any tribal lands.
- To hunt on public lands, refer to the South Dakota GFP website for maps and specific information by county.
South Dakota has Walk-In Areas (WIAs) for hunting on foot only. These areas are selected annually. For more information, visit the Walk-In Areas website.